Welcome to Seattle Babies and Toddlers!

This blog hopes to provide ideas for parents with babies and toddlers for things to do with their little ones in Seattle.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

What is the Safest Seattle Neighborhood for Kids?

It is nearly impossible to measure a neighborhood's true safety.  The below chart attempts to do so by providing the number of violent and drug crimes per neighborhood since January 2010 as well as the number of sex offenders in each area.


  1. New to your blog -- looks like you have lots of fun ideas! I'm going to have to put some new things on our to do list!

    This chart seems really misleading to me, however, since these neighborhoods vary so drastically in population. West Seattle, where we live, is HUGE compared to so many of those neighborhoods! I am sure some of those smaller ones are extremely dense, though. I would be more interested in something that shows crime in relation to population. Seems like there are some missing key neighborhoods, too, esp close to downtown and South Seattle (Capital Hill? Beacon Hill? Columbia City? Rainier Beach?)

  2. Thanks for the feedback! I totally agree that population data would really help with this chart. Unfortunately, the lastest data available (that I could find) is from 2000. I just based the chart on Seattle police reports and the sex offender registry. I'm going to update the chart right now to include the additional neighborhoods you listed.
